What Will Help Even Look Like?

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are -- yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:15, 16 (NIV)

I was having a difficult day…and it was only 10:00am! Hmm…that was not a good sign for the rest of my day. I was telling/complaining to God about that, and a piece of a verse came to mind - “help in time of need.” Well, I was in a time of need, and I needed help! I looked the verse up and found this precious promise: “Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16.

Mercy. Grace. Help. Yes, please! That was exactly what I needed. I read verse 15 and was reminded that Jesus empathizes with my weakness because He has experienced all the pain and challenges of humanity. BTDT – been there done that. “Yet without sin.”

Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help, and sometimes I don’t even know what help will look like. I have so many thoughts racing around in my mind. I have a long mental list of things I need to complete today. I hurt because I know friends who I care about are walking through hard challenges. I am grieving losses in my own life. I have had people see my current pain – and choose to walk away. Sometimes, there’s just so much! God knows. Jesus experienced all of that, and He is touched by my pain. He sees me. He sees my pain. And He cares.

In II Corinthians 1: 3-5, God describes Himself as the Father of compassion and God of all comfort. He is able to comfort us in all our troubles. What a beautiful promise!  Wherever I find myself today, I can confidently bring my circumstances before God and receive mercy and find grace to help. My Father of compassion wants me to come to Him with all my troubles. He delights in providing me with the mercy, grace, and comfort I need. Even when I don’t know what help will look like, God knows and He is ready to give it.

And just in case you are reading this and your load feels a bit lighter right now, embrace the joy and be on the lookout for God to use you in someone else’s life today! II Corinthians 1:4 explains the second part of God’s comfort: I receive His comfort for my troubles so I can comfort other people with the comfort I have received. God’s comfort is literally the gift that keeps on giving. We live every day in a blessed circle of God’s abounding comfort – we are either in need of receiving it or in the blessing of giving it to someone else. No matter if you are giving or receiving today, God’s comfort will be a help to your soul.

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